Thursday, July 17, 2008

Post ALA Brown Bag and News

We had a great post-ALA brown bag discussion today! I'm sorry that we couldn't find a date when everyone could come, but we did have great reports and good conversation today. In attendance: Julie Ann Oiye, Marilyn Sheck, Marilynne Gardner, Truc Ha, Valerie Wonder, Jennifer Giltrop, Jane Gibson, Bo Kinney, Mary Power.

Also, in case you haven't seen it, one of Bo's posts was included in the AL Direct Newsletter: You have to scroll down a bit, but it is there! Also, Bo added our blog to the ALA Conference Wiki: Just so you know that now the whole library world knows how your conference experience turned out! :-)

Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far on the blog. I encourage you to keep posting and to comment on each other's posts! Keep those good conference vibes and energy flowing!

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